Course Information

DetailsDurationLocationTutorsContact DetailsFurther Info
Mon-14-10-2024 to Fri-01-11-2024

This online course is the equivalent of a three day in-person event and runs over nineteen days.

All behaviour (and therefore all movement) has a function. This online ACE module will focus on enhancing our observational and handling skills, ACE Free Work and the links between posture and behaviour.

There is so much information contained in the glorious bodies of the only dog experts that exist. With increased awareness of all the clues we might inadvertently overlook, we can ensure all interactions are truly rewarding for the dog, and learn how human-led activities or management may be inadvertently triggering the canine behaviours we wish to modify or change.
19 daysOnline
Sarah Fisher

01761 471182



Please visit the ACE website to book online or contact the office for more information.